This week was a strange one for me. We did proofs, so nothing totally different there. However, we also learned about algorithms.
While I have already learned about algorithms and run time to some extent, it was different in how it was explained. We learned run time in steps rather than simply memorizing which algorithms were the quickest and how they worked, though I suspect we'll be doing that later. We actually counted the number of steps it took before the program terminated, which wasn't something I was expecting but something I was okay with. In addition, we talked about input size and how constant factors don't matter. I thought it was interesting; when the topic was mentioned last week, I was afraid of something very, very complicated.
Going back to proofs, this week's tutorial was very helpful. I much more fully understand how to write a proof and how it differs from MAT137. I'm glad we learned the structure last week, and then input the actual proof this week. It was very informative and helped me to work things out. I've still go to practice, but this helped me out more than internet and practice thus far has.
I think, however, my goal for now is to simply get a full 2/2 on those weekly quizzes. I keep making stupid mistakes, but at least I'm learning the material instead of being eternally confused. Still, a 2/2 would be nice. For now, though, I'll keep studying.
Best Wishes,
( you will totally be memorizing run times later - 236, 263, 373)