Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week 4 and Not Ready for More

     Originally, I was going to go on a rant about how I'm frustrated with the idea that I really am not understanding the course material as much as I should be.  I've been reading the course notes, going over my notes, and applying the knowledge, but it still doesn't seem to be helping me as much as it should be.  I've even been doing online research, drawing little comics about negation and such, but I'm not getting it when it comes down to actually using it.  So honestly, I'm terrified of our first term test coming up.
     Let's see.  This week, we learned about bi-implication and distributing it to make an equivalent statement.  While I understood it in class and in tutorial, I really couldn't apply it.  I've been practicing since then, and I think I got the hang of it, but I sincerely hope I truly understand it and not a convoluted version of it.  Transitivity and mixed quantifiers were okay, since I'm doing similar things in MAT137 (admittedly, I often get CSC165 and MAT137 material mixed up).  Finding the "Chain", however, for proofs was a bit harder for me.  I understand that most likely, the only solution to my utter confusion on these topics is to simply practice applying these things and to ask questions whenever I'm confused.
     I know I should be going to office hours, but I've been utterly busy.  I know it's a long shot, but if anyone is reading this and has any resources/links they could provide me that'd be useful, I'd very much like to take a look, please.
     Also, Assignment 1... what a journey.  Hours and hours spent answering and reviewing answers, asking questions on Piazza, and arguing with my partners about what's correct.  I must say, however, it really did help a lot in expanding my thoughts on logic and how it could be applied, as confusing as it was.
     I'll leave it there for now.  I'm sorry my SLOG has turned into a place where I complain about how tough the course material is, but I'll improve on it.  I am gradually understanding more and more, I believe, it's simply applying that.

Best Wishes,

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