Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week Ten: It's--Oh hey, it's Snowing!

     Sorry, I got mildly distracted.
     First off, I did forget to say last week that I finally got a 2/2 on a quiz!  Yay!  (Go ahead and laugh, and I know, it's kind of sad.)  In fact, I also got a 2/2 on the quiz for this week, so I'm really glad my studying is paying off.
     Second, I'm kind of sad that I didn't get the greatest test score on our most recent test.  I honestly thought I did much better.  Looking back, I guess I didn't really understand the question and/or made silly little mistakes here and there.  I guess I'll just have to practice writing proofs more, though they seem to be my greatest enemies this year (in both CSC165 and MAT137).
     And now, onto the actual SLOG itself, this week we learned more about big-O and big-Ω proofs and how to write them, as well as computability.  While I understand the general concept of big-O and big-Ω, I don't think I'm anywhere near ready to write proofs for them without my notes.  Computability is also a bit confusing, but of course, it's a new concept to me, so I'll simply have to keep learning.  It's interesting, though, and in my opinion, much more interesting than most of our previous lessons (sorry).
     Anyways, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Fall Break, and I hope we can all actually get some sleep!  (Wait, what's sleep?)

     Best Wishes,

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